Tank Not Heating
1. No power
2. Temperature range improperly
selected. Set too low.
3. Melt unit in standby/setback mode.
4. Possible loose connection or wire.
5. Fuse(s) open on Input/Output
Power Circuit Card
6. Control board(s) on front panel not
functioning correctly.
7. Both tank heaters are open or
8. Tank thermistor is open or not
functioning correctly.
1 Supply electrical power and make sure
circuit breaker ON.
2. Set temperature range correctly per
adhesive application temperature. Assure
Output Tank LED is flashing.
3. Remove melt unit from standby/setback
4. With power disconnected, remove front
panel and inspect the connections to
circuit boards. Replace or repair if
damaged. If a connector is burnt, this
could signify a hazardous condition.
Do not repair! Consult the factory.
5. Check fuse(s) with an ohmmeter on
Input Power Board located on backside
of Front Control Panel. Replace fuse
with Fuse Kit P/N 989360
6. Replace Front Panel Control Board as
P/N 986597 for 115VAC unit
P/N 984358 for 230VAC unit
7. Check heater resistance, with an
ohmmeter, between brown and blue
wires in the Molex 3, Pin Connector
Replace heaters as follows:
For 115VAC Tank Heater P/N 986643
For 230VAC Tank Heater P/N 986644
8. Check Thermistor resistance using an
ohmmeter, at room temperature, reading
should be approximately 100K Ohms at
white Molex type 2 pin connector.
Replace with Thermistor Assembly
P/N 986467
Adhesive does not flow from
unit with motor pump not
Pump function set incorrectly
Set pump function to CYCLE or RUN
Open Sensor LED is
Illuminated Red. Affected
Zone LED will flash red
Open sensor condition is detected in the
tank, hose or applicator
Secure connections on tank, hose and
applicator. Make sure connector pins are not
bent and are properly aligned.