Ready to Install
Summarizes installation settings and gives you one more chance to abort the
The actual install process. Copies necessary files, creates shortcuts, installs
registry information, media drivers and CODECS, database and scripts, and
any other optional software. Adobe® Acrobat (used for viewing the PDF
User’s Guide) and Remote Administrator (used to remotely administrate your
computer) have their own install processes.
Install Completion
Once the install is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Upon the next boot up, the database scripts will be executed, as well as the
required services. Vigil Server will auto start up by default.
Note: Remote Administrator is only a 30-day trial version of the software. Visit
to obtain software information and purchase licenses.
4.3 Updating
To upgrade Vigil Server from previous version, go to:
“Start Menu | Vigil| Update”
This will open the “Local Update Utility” window. Browse to the upgrade file that you downloaded or
saved (Upgrade files use a VGL file extension) and click “Open”. Click “Update” to begin the update
process. The update process requires you to restart your computer. Please allow it time to perform the
update completely.
4.4 Uninstalling
To uninstall Vigil Server, go to “Add/Remove Programs” located in the Windows Control Panel
Click “Remove” by the entry “Vigil Server”. Follow the prompts to perform the removal process.
4.5 Initial Setup
When you first run Vigil Server, review the following list to ensure that your system is properly
1. Set up Camera Recording - enable recording and review recording setup. For each camera
a. In the Vigil Server “Settings” screen, select the “Camera Setup” tab. Select the camera
from the dropdown list to view its recording settings.
b. By default, the recording speed is set to “Recording Disabled”. Select “Enable Recording”
from the dropdown list.
c. Set up camera controls – If Vigil Server is to be used to control cameras, select the
“Camera Control” sub-tab and then select the camera configuration. Select the “COM
Ports” tab to specify COM port settings for the camera controls.
2. Set up Media Drives
a. In the Vigil Server Settings screen, in the “Media Drives” tab, set up “Video Storage
Drives”, “Alternate Video Storage Drives” and “Video Still/Motion Export Destinations”.
3. Set up Data Terminals
a. When using Vigil Server to record POS or other data, select the “Data” tab to configure
the incoming data terminals.
3xLogic Vigil System Server Software - User’s Guide Doc# 08100610 Page 10