logo Settings Tab
Dwell Timer The number of seconds the digital input/output remains active after a trigger occurs.
If the digital input/output is normally open, select the “Normal Open” option. If the
digital input/output is normally closed, select the “Normal Closed” option. When the
input changes state, the alarm will be triggered.
Auto Acknowledge
Mark enabled for the alarm to be automatically acknowledged after the selected
number of seconds have passed.
Schedule Allows you to configure the input alarm to operate on a schedule.
Alarm Input
Sections that have the input alarm enabled are colored green.
Expands and contracts the time graph horizontally. This allows for better precision in
setting your time periods.
Expands and contracts the time graph date graph vertically.
Note: The smallest time interval that can be used is 15 minute periods.
Moving a time
Click and hold the “Shift” key and click-and-drag the section.
Copying a time
Click and hold the “Ctrl” key and click and drag the section.
Changing the start
or end time of a
Select the section by clicking on it and then click and drag the right of left edge of
the section.
Importing a
schedule from
Select the digital input from the “Import From Digital Input” dropdown box list and
then click “Import”.
3xLogic Vigil System Server Software - User’s Guide Doc# 08100610 Page 99