Group N and O
The group N and O screens show DGPS information.
Other than the altitude and course information on group
N, (shown at right) in order to use these screens, you
must have a DGPS receiver connected to the unit.
The DGPS corrections at the top of the screen show
the corrections the GPS receiver is using. The satellite’s
number is follow by an identifier showing its status. They
are as follows:
OK DGPS corrections are in use by GPS receiver
and corrections are available.
OLD Unit hasn’t received corrections in last 60
BAD Corrections not usable.
NA No correction available.
When a DGPS receiver is connected to this unit and is working correctly,
its status is shown by group O. The DGPS station’s ID number, plus fre-
quency, baud rate, signal strength, signal to noise ratio (SNR), and time
since the GPS receiver received the satellite corrections (AGE) all show
on this screen.
Reprogram Window Groups
You can reprogram or customize the window groups to meet your own
needs. This unit has over thirty different windows that can be rearranged
into many combinations. The changes you make to the screen will remain
in memory, even if all power is removed from the unit. You can, however,
return to the factory settings from the “Preset Groups” item in the “System
Setup” menu.
To reprogram a group, first select the group that you
wish to change. Group “A” is to be reprogrammed in
the example shown at right.
While the group that you want to reprogram is showing
on the screen, press the MENU key, highlight the "Re-
program Groups" label and press the right arrow key.
A screen similar to the one shown at right appears.