Some equipment requires different sentence. The de-
fault setting for these sentences is on. In other words,
it automatically sends these sentences when NMEA is
turned on. To turn any of these off, move the black box
to the desired menu and press the left arrow key. Press
the EXIT key when everything on this screen is the
way you want it.
This unit will recognize Starlink
and Magnavox
automatic DGPS receiv-
ers. If you have either one of these receivers, simply highlight the “Star
DGPS” or “Magn DGPS” on the NMEA / DGPS menu and press the right
arrow key to turn it on. (Note: If you have a Magnavox DGPS receiver
connected, the GlobalNav 212 can’t send NMEA data.) With the excep-
tion of serial communications, typically no other setup needs to be made
with these receivers.
If you have any other Magnavox or Starlink compatible
DGPS receiver connected to the GlobalNav 212, you
may need to change the settings. To do this, move the
black box to the “Configure DGPS” label and press the
right arrow key. A screen similar to the one at right ap-
These menus select the beacon receiver’s frequency
and bit rate (in bits per second). To change one of these
settings, simply highlight the menu item you wish to
change, then press the right or left arrow key until the
desired number appears. Press the EXIT key when you’re finished.
Serial Communication Setup
To set the data port, select Com Port Setup on the
System Setup menu. Press the right arrow key. The
screen shown at right appears.
Check your DGPS receiver’s manual for the proper data
settings. Highlight the menu item you need to change.
Press the left or right arrow keys to change them. The
serial port defaults are 4800 baud, no parity, and 8 data
bits. Press the EXIT key to erase this menu.