
ries Drawn menu to turn individual POI displays off and on.) Even
though their display is turned off, you can still search for POIs and
their icons will pop-up when your unit finds them for you.
Map Panel page display option
The Map Panel page has several features that offer the look of a “glass
cockpit” panel display. In addition to the central map and the custom-
izable data boxes across the top, it has an altitude window to the right
and a ground speed window to the left.
A VSI or Vertical Speed Indicator is also located at the far right of the
screen. A bar above zero shows rate of climb and a bar below zero
shows the rate of descent.
Map Page: Map Panel display option.
The compass overlay at the bottom of the screen includes a bearing ar-
row that points toward your destination, along with a CDI or Course
Deviation Indicator. The CDI shows when you are off course. Steering
toward the CDI needle will bring you back on course. The CDI only ap-
pears when navigating.
Compass Overlay page display option
The Compass Overlay page is a map with a portion of a compass rose
displayed on top. A bearing arrow points toward your destination. Your
current track or heading is shown in a window at the top of the page. A
CDI graphic appears beneath the current position indicator.
Tick marks for 100
feet per minute
Tick marks for
1000 fpm climb
Tick marks for
1000 fpm descent
VSI display
Ground Speed
Data Boxes
Compass overlay
with CDI