Total Travel time tells how long it will take to reach a final destina-
tion when navigating a route or trail. Total Arrival time predicts the
local time it will be when you reach a final destination when navigating
a route or trail.
Two Maps page display option
This option provides a split map, showing your current position in the
left map, and an auto zoomed view of the destination airport in the
right map. Both maps are always in "Track Up" mode. You can manu-
ally select any zoom range in the left map or switch it to Auto Zoom.
To change settings, you need to specify which side the Menu, Zoom In
and Zoom Out keys correspond to. To do this, switch the active map by
PAGES|PAGES. The window with the black title bar at the top
is the active map window. To switch back, just press
Map Page: Two Maps display option.
You will notice in the previous image that we have added four custom-
izable data box information displays on the bottom of the screen. The
default options are intended to help in navigating to a landing.
In fact, everything about this page is intended to help you navigate to a
landing. The right position map will always show your location relative to
the destination airport. It will zoom in or out to keep you and the airport
both on the screen.
Don't like the window sizes or orientation we selected? Well, pick
your own! You can re-size the two map windows and even switch to