Units of Measure
This menu (shown below) sets the speed and distance (statute or nauti-
cal miles, meters), depth (feet, fathoms, or meters), temperature (de-
grees Fahrenheit or Celsius) and heading (true or magnetic) units. To
change the units:
Easy Mode, press MENU|↓ to UNITS OF MEASURE|ENT.
Advanced Mode, press MENU|MENU|↓ to SYSTEM SETUP|ENT|ENT.
Units of Measure highlighted (left). Units of Measure Menu (right).
To set Speed/Distance: from the Units of Measure menu, press ENT
and use ↑ or ↓ to change the unit, then press ENT.
To set Heading: from the Units of Measure menu, press ↓ to
HEADING|ENT, then use ↑ or ↓ to change the unit and press ENT.
To set Altitude and Depth: from the Units of Measure menu, press ↓
ALTITUDE AND DEPTH|ENT. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the unit, then press
ENT. Press EXIT repeatedly to return to the main page display.