Cursor crosshairs centered on a POI (left). The Find menu with Se-
lected Item highlighted (center). POI information (right).
Selected Item
The Selected Item function will appear on the menu only when you
have an item selected with the cursor crosshairs. It allows you to
quickly access information on the selected location.
To access a Selected Item:
1. Center the cursor crosshairs on a POI on the map and press
2. SELECTED ITEM will be listed at the top of the Find menu. Press FIND,
then press
ENT to launch the POI information window.
3. At the bottom of the POI information window: GO TO will be high-
lighted. To navigate to the Selected Item press
ENT. To Find the loca-
tion on the Map, use the ← → keys to select
FIND ON MAP and press ENT.
Destination highlighted on the Find menu (left).
POI information window (right).
When you are navigating to a location, DESTINATION will appear at the top
of the Find menu. It provides quick access to navigation information
about your destination.