Configure NMEA menu, showing all prefixes turned on (checked).
The names of the NMEA sentences are abbreviated in this menu.
These are the functions of the various selectable prefixes:
• GLL transmits latitude and longitude of present position, time of
position fix, and status.
• RMC and RMB transmits navigation information messages.
• APB transmits autopilot information.
• GGA transmits time, position, and fix related data.
• GSA and GSV transmits fix mode, DOP values, and satellites in
view information.
4. When the desired prefixes are checked or unchecked, press
EXIT|EXIT|EXIT|EXIT to return to the previous page.
Coordinate System Selection
The Coordinate System Menu lets you select the coordinate system to
use when displaying and entering position coordinates. Access this
function only in Advanced Mode.
Menus for changing coordinate system used to display positions.
To get to Coordinate System Selection: