As long as the External Passive Antenna command is acti-
vated, the iFINDER will only monitor GPS signals from an
external passive antenna. If you have this command acti-
vated and are not using an external passive antenna, the
unit will not be able to accurately lock on. To switch back
to using the iFINDER's internal antenna (or to use an op-
tional external active antenna), be sure to turn off this
command. From the Status page, press
ANT. Press ENT to uncheck the box next to the command.
GPS Simulator
The GPS simulator lets you use the unit as if you were outdoors navi-
gating somewhere. You can set the starting location in lati-
tude/longitude (Starting Position) or from a stored waypoint, map place
or POI location (Select Starting Waypoint). You can steer your position
on the map by using the arrow keys (
STEER W/ ARROWS) or by setting the
track and speed in the boxes provided on simulator screen.
To get to the GPS Simulator:
1. Press
2. Press ↓ to
GPS Setup Menu, left, GPS Simulator Menu, right.
Make the desired settings, then turn the simulator on by highlighting
SIMULATOR ON box and pressing ENT key. Press EXIT to erase this
menu. A message appears periodically, reminding you that the simula-
tor is on. To turn the simulator off, repeat the above steps or turn the
unit off.
While in simulator mode, you can press
EXIT to clear the steering and
speed boxes from the screen while continuing the simulation. This will
allow you to use the map cursor during a simulation. To turn steering