The iWAY Main Menu.
Map and Music
Use the Map and Music buttons to change the iWAY’s mode. Map Mode
shows your current position on a moving map as well as information
concerning your current route. Music Mode allows you to choose the
audio play list, adjust volume and set various play controls. The rest of
this section concerns Map Mode operation.
Options Menu
The Options Menu has 3 pages with settings that control iWAY opera-
tion or provide additional information. The iWAY works great right out
of the box but as you become more familiar with the unit and what it
can do you will eventually want to begin customizing some of these set-
tings. The Options Menu is accessible from the Main Menu, just select
Section 4 describes each of the Options Menu features and commands in
detail. All of these options come with default values right out of the box
so you may never need to make changes.
The Find Menu contains three pages of search options, designed to let
you find any destination quickly and easily. See Section 5 for details on
searching and following a generated route.
The following page contains a 10-step "Practice Run" that will walk you
through the most basic Mapping Mode operations. If you do not want to
carry the manual with you as you operate the unit you might consider
photocopying this practice run page and placing it where it is easily ac-
cessible. Using just the steps outlined here you can operate your
iWAY's Mapping Mode well enough to find your current location and
find your way to a destination.