
Choosing New Destinations while Navigating
So far we have explained some of the ways the iWAY generates a route.
No matter which method you use the iWAY responds in the same way.
It begins examining the roads between your current position and your
selected destination.
If you are navigating to a destination the iWAY will behave a little dif-
ferently. The iWAY needs to know whether you want to cancel your
current navigation or put it on hold while you visit this new location.
You can even schedule to visit the new location after you finish your
current route.
When you choose Detour Here the iWAY will immediately navigate you
to a selected location. Once you arrive the iWAY will resume navigat-
ing to your previous destination.
This can be useful when you are traveling to a destination and want to
stop for lunch along the way. Search for the nearest restaurant, detour
to the restaurant and then the iWAY will automatically switch back to
your chosen destination.
New Final Destination will add the new location to the end of your cur-
rent route. So if you are navigating to a nearby restaurant and choose
to set a gas station as your New Final Destination the iWAY will direct
you to the restaurant first and send you on to the gas station after you
have finished eating.
Cancel Current Navigation will stop navigating to your old destination
and start you navigating to the new location.
Following a Generated Route
By default the iWAY tries to find the fastest, shortest route to your
destination. It will generate a list of instructions detailing the turns
you need to make and the roads you need to follow. It will also draw a
magenta line on the map display showing the route you should follow.
Every turn in your route – every instruction you will receive – is shown
on the map as a green dot on the magenta route line. You can point the
map cursor at any of these dots and a pop-up text box will show you the
text instruction for that turn.