4. With the data option highlighted, press
ENT to check it (turn on) and
uncheck it (turn off). As you turn it on, the data will appear on top of
the screen. Every Page display has a maximum number of items you
can show using the Overlay Data command.
5. After the desired changes are made, press
EXIT|EXIT to return to the
page display.
From Overlay Data Shown (left) press ENT to see Data Viewer (center).
Select a category and press ENT. Next, select information to show on
screen and press ENT to check it and turn it on (right).
At left, Map Page showing boat cruising Puget Sound, Washington,
with Overlay Data turned on. This example shows Depth, Ground
Speed and the Steering Arrow. Note that the Steering Arrow always
points directly to the destination you are navigating toward. In this
case, the boater is headed on a northwesterly course of 275ยบ. Since the
helmsman is on course, the Steering Arrow is pointing straight ahead.
If the helmsman veered off course, the arrow would show which direc-
tion to steer to get back on course. Right, Sonar Page with Overlay
Data turned on, showing Depth, Ground Speed and the Track the boat
is following.