The FasTrackā¢ display shows just to the right of the scale. This
changes all echoes into short horizontal bars, replicating a flasher so-
nar. The zoom bar on the far right shows the area that's zoomed when
the zoom is in use. (See the Zoom section for more information.)
Full Sonar Chart. The Overlay Data (depth and water temperature)
are both set to the small text size.
Split Zoom Sonar Chart
A split chart shows the underwater world from the surface to the bot-
tom on the right side of the screen. The left side shows an enlarged ver-
sion of the right side. The zoom range shows in the bottom left corner.
Split Zoom Sonar Chart. Image at left shows the left window zoomed to
2X. The right image shows the left window zoomed to 4X.
Split Frequency Sonar Chart
(LMS-337CDF only)
This page shows sonar data from the 50 kHz transducer on the left side
of the screen and data from the 200 kHz transducer on the right side.
All other functions and features are the same as the Full Chart page.