
You can copy waypoints from your unit to your personal computer with
MapCreate software. When you want to repeat a trip, these archived
waypoints can be reloaded into your GPS unit.
To create and save a Waypoint:
These first two techniques use the Quick Save method, the fastest and
easiest way to create a waypoint.
Create Waypoint at Current Position
While you are traveling, press WPT|WPT. The waypoint is saved and
automatically given a name with a sequential number, such as "way-
point 003." The waypoint symbol and number appear on the map.
Sequence for setting a waypoint. Step 1: while traveling, press WPT
twice to call up the Find Waypoint screen (seen in Step 2) and set a
waypoint. Step 3: a message says the waypoint has been saved. Step 4:
vehicle continues on its way; waypoint number and symbol are visible
on map.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 1. Step 2.