Contents xi
7.21 Target Asynchronous Send 7-29
7.22 Target Asynchronous Receive 7-30
7.23 Initiator and Target Synchronous Transfers 7-30
7.24 100 LD PQFP (UD) Mechanical Drawing (Sheet 1 of 2) 7-34
2.1 Bits Used for Parity Control and Observation 2-6
2.2 SCSI Parity Control 2-7
2.3 SCSI Parity Errors and Interrupts 2-7
3.1 PCI Bus Commands and Encoding Types 3-9
3.2 PCI Configuration Register Map 3-10
4.1 Power and Ground Signals 4-3
4.2 System Signals 4-5
4.3 Address and Data Signals 4-6
4.4 Interface Control Signals 4-7
4.5 Arbitration Signals 4-8
4.6 Error Reporting Signals 4-8
4.7 SCSI Bus Interface Signals 4-9
4.8 Additional Interface Signals 4-10
5.1 Synchronous Clock Conversion Factor 5-10
5.2 Asynchronous Clock Conversion Factor 5-11
5.3 Examples of Synchronous Transfer Periods and
Rates for SCSI-1 5-13
5.4 Examples of Synchronous Transfer Periods and
Rates for Fast SCSI 5-14
5.5 SCSI Synchronous Offset Values 5-15
6.1 SCRIPTS Instructions 6-3
6.2 Read/Write Instructions 6-26
7.1 Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings 7-2
7.2 Operating Conditions 7-2
7.3 SCSI Signals—SD[7:0]/, SDP/, SREQ/, SACK/ 7-3
7.4 SCSI Signals—SMSG, SI_O/, SC_D/, SATN/, SBSY/,
SSEL/, SRST/ 7-3
7.5 Input Signals—CLK, SCLK, GNT/, IDSEL, RST/, TESTIN 7-3
7.6 Capacitance 7-4
7.7 Output Signals—MAC/_TESTOUT, REQ/ 7-4
7.8 Output Signal—IRQ/ 7-4
7.9 Output Signal—SERR/ 7-5