LSI53C810A PCI to SCSI I/O Processor 1-1
Chapter 1
General Description
Chapter 1 is divided into the following sections:
• Section 1.1, “TolerANT
• Section 1.2, “LSI53C810A Benefits Summary”
The LSI53C810A PCI to SCSI I/O processor brings high-performance I/O
solutions to host adapter, workstation, and general computer designs,
making it easy to add SCSI to any PCI system.
The LSI53C810A is a pin-for-pin replacement for the LSI53C810 PCI to
SCSI I/O processor. It performs fast SCSI transfers in Single-Ended (SE)
mode, and improves performance by optimizing PCI bus utilization.
The LSI53C810A integrates a high-performance SCSI core, a PCI bus
master DMA core, and the LSI Logic SCSI SCRIPTS™ processor to
meet the flexibility requirements of SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and future SCSI
standards. It is designed to implement multithreaded I/O algorithms with
a minimum of processor intervention, solving the protocol overhead
problems of previous intelligent and nonintelligent adapter designs.
The LSI53C810A is fully supported by the LSI Logic Storage Device
Management System (SDMS™), a software package that supports the
Advanced SCSI Protocol Interface (ASPI). SDMS software provides
BIOS and driver support for hard disk, tape, removable media products,
and CD-ROM under the major PC operating systems.
The LSI53C810A is packaged in a compact rectangular 100-pin Plastic
Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) package to minimize board space requirements.
It operates the SCSI bus at 5 Mbytes/s asynchronously or 10 Mbytes/s
synchronously, and bursts data to the host at full PCI speeds. The
LSI53C810A increases SCRIPTS performance and reduces PCI bus
overhead by allowing instruction prefetches of 4 or 8 Dwords.