Troubleshooting the System
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MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Troubleshooting the System
This chapter provides procedures for solving the most common problems that you
may encounter with the system. You may be able to resolve a problem quickly
and easily by following the appropriate steps in this chapter.
1. See the
Data/Video Reference
for information about troubleshooting
data and video communications.
2. See the
PassageWay Telephony Services
Network Manager’s Guide
for more information about troubleshooting a CTI (Computer
Telephony Integration) link.
It is helpful to have the
Feature Reference
System Programming
, and
the system
planning forms at hand to perform some procedures. If the procedure involves
using system programming or centralized telephone programming to check a
system or feature setting, the troubleshooting procedures indicate where in
System Programming
you can find the programming steps.
You should also have the System Information Sheet at the front of this guide.
If you must check something on the control unit, proceed with caution. Avoid
standing on a box or chair to reach the unit if it is installed out of easy reach.
If you do not have a stable ladder or other proper equipment, do not
proceed; wait for the Lucent Technologies technician.