MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
System Components
Page 3-32Operator Consoles
During system programming, you assign certain features and settings to QCC
operator extensions. These help determine the types of calls that ring at the
extension, which calls get priority, who provides backup when the operator must
be away from the phone, and more. See Chapter 4, ‘‘
Features and Applications’’,
and the
Feature Reference
for details.
Keep these facts in mind if you need to work with QCCs:
■ You must connect a QCC to an extension jack on a 008 MLX or 408
GS/LS-MLX module.
■ Each 008 or 408 GS/LS-MLX module can carry a maximum of two QCCs.
■ You must connect the first QCC to the first MLX extension jack in the
■ You can connect QCCs only to the first and fifth extension jacks on each
■ You can connect up to four QCCs for the system.
Direct-Line Consoles 3
A Direct-Line Console (DLC) operates like other multiline telephones. In all three
modes of operation (Key, Hybrid/PBX, and Behind Switch), you assign (or the
system automatically assigns) outside lines to individual buttons on the console.
You can assign the lines that have been assigned to a DLC to buttons on other
consoles or other telephones. Incoming calls can ring on any of the line buttons,
and several calls can ring at the same time. The operator directs calls to other
users by using the Transfer button.
A DLC can use system operator features as well as the telephone features
available for non-operator multiline telephones to increase call-handling
efficiency. The special system operator features that you can assign to buttons on
the console are Alarm, Night Service, Reminder Service for sending reminder
beeps to other telephones, and Send/Remove Message. (For more information
about these features, see Chapter 4, ‘‘
Features and Applications’’, or see the
Feature Reference
You can use the following telephones as DLCs:
— MLX-20L telephone
— MLX-28D telephone
■ Analog DLC
— MERLIN II System Display Console with built-in DSS (the only
telephone model that is uniquely used as an operator console)
— BIS-34D telephone
— BIS-22D telephone