Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Configuring IDSL voice connections
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-17
6 Write the profile:
admin> write
FRAME-RELAY/fr written
Configuring a Connection profile
This example Connection profile uses the Frame Relay profile configured in the previous
section to reach the DSLPipe.
1 Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection dslpipe
CONNECTION/dsl-pipe read
2 Activate the profile:
admin> set active = yes
3 Specify Frame Relay as the encapsulation used on the link:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol = frame-relay
4 Specify the IP address that will be assigned to the DSLPipe unit:
admin> set ip-options remote-address =
5 Specify that only nailed channels are used on this link:
admin> set telco-options call-type = ft1
6 Specify the name of the Frame Relay profile the Connection profile must use:
admin> set fr-options frame-relay-profile = fr
7 Specify the Frame Relay DLCI used for the connection:
admin> set fr-options dlci = 16
This is the DSLPipe unit’s DLCI and the DSLTNT default.
8 Write the profile:
admin> write
CONNECTION/dslpipe read
Configuring IDSL voice connections
In this example (see Figure 17-2), a Pipeline connected via an IDSL line is a configured for
incoming and outgoing voice calls. The connection is a switched 128Kbps MP+ connection
that allows the Pipeline to drop a data channel when it receives an incoming voice call, and
bring the second data channel up again when the voice call is over. Voice calls are not
supported over nailed connections.
This example uses a Lucent Pipeline, but you can configure any ISDN U-interface device, such
as a terminal adapter (TA), similarly.