52 Cajun M770 ATM Manager User’s Guide
BUS Selector The selector byte of the BUS’s ATM address.
Call Use The type of VC (Virtual Channel):
- Permanent VC
- Switched VC
Configuration Symbol The version of the module. The version is updated
whenever there is a functional modification to the
For Agent Configuration: The version of the
hardware and firmware of the agent.
Configured ATM prefix The configured ATM address prefix of the Cajun
M770 ATM Device. When the switch is reset, this
becomes the Current ATM Address.
Configured ELAN Name The name of the ELAN that the management LEC
expects to join when it next leaves and re-enters
the network. This information is sent to the LECS,
which uses it to determine the ELAN that the
management LEC should join. If you do not specify
an ELAN name, the management LEC will join the
default ELAN of the type that you specify.
Configured ILMI Status The configured state of the ILMI protocol stack.
Configured Node Id The identifier of the node within the PNNI domain.
Ensure that the Node ID is unique within the
Configured Node Level The PNNI hierarchy level in which the node
Configured Node Peer
Group Id
The Peer Group ID in which the node resides.
Configured Signalling
The configured type of signalling to be used by the
root virtual port.
Configured Termination
The configured UNI termination on the root virtual
CrossConnected Id Index of the VC in the Cross Connect table.
Field Name Description