Chapter 5 Cajun Campus CLI (Command Line Interface)
Cajun P333T User’s Guide 53
To set VLAN 850 to include ports 4 through 7 on module 3.
Console> (enable) set VLAN 850 3/4-7
VLAN 850 modified.
VLAN Mod/Ports
---- -----------------------
850 3/4-7
Console> (enable)
Set flowcontrol command
Use the set flowcontrol command to set the send/receive flow-control frames
(whether proprietary or IEEE 802.3x) for a full duplex module port. Each direction
can be configured separately.
This command is supported on Fast and Gigabit Ethernet switching ports.
The syntax for this command is:
set flowcontrol
[receive | send | all][mod_num/port_num][off |
receive Indicate whether the port can receive administrative status from
a remote device.
Available only for Gigabit Ethernet modules with
negotiation set to off.
send Indicate whether the local port can send administrative status to
a remote device.
Available only for Gigabit Ethernet modules with
negotiation set to off.
all Send and receive (symmetric flow control).
mod_num Number of the module.
port_num Number of the port on the module.
off Used with receive to turn off an attached device's ability to send
flow-control packets to a local port.
Used with send to turn off the local port's ability to send
administrative status to a remote device.
on Used with receive to require that a local port receive
administrative status from a remote device.
Used with send, the local port sends administrative status to a
remote device.
prop Lucent proprietary flow control.