Chapter 5 Cajun Campus CLI (Command Line Interface)
60 Cajun P333T User’s Guide
Supervisor Level Commands
This level includes all the commands of the User and Privileged Levels.
Set super password command
Use the set super password command to change the supervisor password. You can
only do this from within the Supervisor Level.
The syntax for this command is:
set superpass
Console (super)#
Enter old password: <old password>
Enter new password: <new password>
Enter New Password again: <new password>
Password changed.
Console (super)#
Set defpass command
Use the set defpass command to return the password for all levels to their default.
The syntax for this command is:
set defpass
Console> (enable) set defpass
Password changed.
Console> (enable)
Show Commands
Show commands for the Supervisor Level are identical to the show commands for
the User and Privileged Levels. These are described starting on page 33.
Set Commands
Set commands for the Supervisor Level are the same as the Set commands for the
Privileged Level. These are described starting on page 44.