March 2000
PVC Tests
PVC tests can be run on a requested DLCI for a selected interface.
H When PVC tests are on a multiplexed DLCI between FrameSaver devices,
they are nondisruptive to data, so user data can continue to be sent during a
H If the device at one end of the circuit is not a FrameSaver device, PVC tests
are on a standard DLCI and are disruptive to data. Also, the Connectivity test
would not appear.
Loopback, and send/monitor pattern tests are available for each interface on the
selected DLCI. FrameSaver devices should be at each end of the circuit. If a
PVC Loopback is started at one end of the circuit, the other end can send and
monitor pattern tests.
The example below shows a PVC Test screen for a FrameSaver unit with the
multiplexed DLCI 550 selected. If a standard DLCI was selected, (Disruptive),
rather than (Non-Disruptive), would be displayed after Test. Also, the
Connectivity test would not appear.
PVC Tests Screen Example
main/test/network_pvc 9124-II
Device Name: Node A 5/26/1999 23:32
DLCI Number: 550
Test (Non-Disruptive) Command Status Result
PVC Loopback: Start Inactive 0:00:00
Send Pattern: Start Inactive 0:00:00
Monitor Pattern: Start Inactive 0:00:00
Sequence Errors 99999+
Data Errors 99999+
Connectivity: Start Inactive RndTrip Time (ms) 99999
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu M
ainMenu Exit
Errors encountered during these tests may be caused by mismatched CIRs
in the two FrameSaver units. If errors are detected, verify the CIR
configuration and retest.