March 2000
Table 3-10. PVC Connection Options (2 of 2)
Primary Destination Link
Possible Settings: Net1-FR1
Default Setting: Initially blank; no default.
Specifies the frame relay interface used as the primary destination link; the to end of a
from-to link. The only valid settings for this configuration option are frame relay
interfaces that have at least one DLCI or EDLCI defined which are not part of a PVC
connection or management link. For example, if the network interface has no DLCIs
defined, Net1-FR1 would not appear as a valid setting.
Net1-FR1 – Specifies the Network interface as the destination link.
Primary Destination DLCI
Possible Settings: 16 – 1007
Default Setting: Initially blank; no default.
Specifies the primary destination DLCI for a frame relay interface. The DLCI must be
defined and cannot be part of a PVC connection or management link. For multiplexed
DLCIs, at least one EDLCI must be unconnected for the DLCI to be a valid selection.
NOTE: Primary Destination DLCI has no value if Primary Destination Link contains
no value.
16 – 1007 – Specifies the DLCI number.
Primary Destination EDLCI
Possible Settings: 0 – 62
Default Setting: Initially blank; no default.
Specifies the primary destination Embedded Data Link Connection Identifier (EDLCI) for
a frame relay interface when a multiplexed DLCI record is selected as one end of a
Display Conditions – This option only appears when the Primary Destination DLCI
contains a multiplexed DLCI record number.
0 – 62 – Specifies the EDLCI number.