18 Accessing Files in Flash Memory
Accessing Files in Flash Memory
The Storage Card
Access: Start | Programs | Storage Card
Select the file with the stylus and double-tap to run the file. Secure Digital (SD) cards are neither
installed nor supported by LXE.
The IPSM Folder
Access: Start | Programs | File Explorer | My Device | IPSM
Programs and files located in the IPSM folder are saved through a hard reset.
CAB files stored in the AutoInstall folder within the IPSM folder are automatically unpacked
following a hard reset.
Backed up registry settings are automatically restored after a hard reset.
To restore default registry settings, delete the RegBackup file in the IPSM folder and perform a
hard reset.
Saving Your Changes
To ensure that changes you make in control panels and other software, such as RFTerm, are saved
to the archive registry and the active registry – follow the procedure below:
1. Make the change.
2. Reset (warm boot) the mobile device.
3. Test the change.
4. Tap Start | HHP Utils | RegBackup to permanently save the settings.
Refer to the “MX6 PPC Reference Guide” for more information.