The MX6 is a lightweight hand-held computer that uses Microsoft® Windows® for Pocket PC
2002 (MX6 PPC) software and a powerful, battery-saving Xscale™ processor. The MX6 PPC
can transmit information using a 2.4 GHz radio (with an internally mounted antenna) and it can
store information for later transmission through an RS-232, InfraRed or communication port.
The MX6 PPC is vertically oriented and features backlighting for the display and the keypad. The
touch-screen display supports graphic features and icons that the Pocket PC operating system
The MX6 PPC is powered by a 2000 mAh Lithium-Ion main battery pack and an internal backup
battery. A stylus is attached to the MX6 PPC to assist in entering data and configuring the unit.
The MX6 PPC with a 35-key keypad is slightly different from the MX6 PPC with a 56-key
keypad creating differences in keymapping. Portions of this guide will be split between the the 35-
key device and the 56-key device. Sections that do not differentiate between one or the other
contain instructions or information that is applicable to both devices.
Identify Your MX6 Device
LXE offers the MX6 with a Pocket PC 2002 operating system (MX6 PPC) and the MX6 with a
Windows Mobile operating system (MX6).
This user guide, the MX6 PPC User’s Guide, is specifically for the user with an MX6 running
Pocket PC 2002.
Figure 1 Start Screen -
Pocket PC 2002
Figure 2 Start Screen -
Windows Mobile
If your MX6 Start screen looks like the Figure titled “Start Screen - Windows Mobile”, please
refer to the MX6 User’s Guide and the MX6 Reference Guide.
Please note that the Pocket PC 2002 operating system does not support the following LXE
options: WPA, AppLock, Prefix/Suffix Barcode Wedge, or a laser Scanner/Imager module.