98 IrDA Lite Plus
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
IrDA Lite Plus and MX3
This configuration supports all features of the IrDA Lite Plus device driver. The driver provides
conversion from serial and printer I/O to infrared transmission packets. Applications using
extended BIOS interfaces to the serial and print devices can be utilized in these operations. The
MX3 with the IrDA Lite Plus driver installed can transmit and receive data to and from other
infrared capable devices.
For example, the MX3’s flash
memory can be updated by transferring files from an IrDA-
compliant PC to the MX3. Until IrDA Lite Plus, SRAM cards (edited using a PC and inserted in
the target MX3) were the most common means of updating the MX3’s files and/or Flash.
Note: The IrDA Lite Plus file must be loaded on each MX3 and/or PC used in the file transfer.
You will also need DOS utility files PRINT.EXE and the COPY (or XCOPY.EXE)
command file.
Note: IrDA Lite Plus is compatible with a standard PC. When using a PC without an installed
IR port, a commercially available serial to infrared adapter is required for file transfer
to/from the MX3.
Quick Start
Note: See section titled “IRSEND and IRECV Files” for add-in Borland C/C++ programs.
IRSEND.C, after compiling, can be loaded on the MX3 or PC that will send data using
IRPLUS.EXE. IRECV.C, after compiling, can be loaded on the MX3 or PC that will
receive data using IRPLUS.EXE.
In brief, the process (without IRSEND and IRECV) is as follows:
1. Load the IrDA Lite Plus file, IRPLUS.EXE, into the appropriate (e.g. \IRDA)
subdirectory on the sending and receiving units (e.g. MX3 or PC).
2. Add the IRPLUS.EXE device command line to the CONFIG.SYS file in the MX3
and/or PC.
The CONFIG.SYS command line format is shown below. The ‘=’, ‘ ‘ (space), ‘/’,
and ‘:’ are required punctuation in the command line. The parameters are optional.
device=path\irplus.exe [/p:baud]
Default values used when command line parameters are not provided are: Port (p)
= COM1 and Baud = 9600
COM 1 Example: device=c:\irda\irplus.exe /1:96
COM 2 Example: device=c:\irda\irplus.exe /2:96
3. If necessary, add the appropriate subdirectory name (e.g. \IRDA) to the PATH
command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
4. Reboot the MX3 and/or PC.
Upgrade or transfer files to MX3 Flash by sending files to Drive C.