ROM-DOS Commands 191
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
CHKDSK will check the integrity of drive A. The report will be printed to the console.
CHKDSK will check the integrity of RAM disk D. The report will be saved in a file called
CHKDSK d: >drive_d.rpt
Start a new command processor.
[/P][/C string][/MSG]
This command starts a new copy of the ROM-DOS command processor. The command processor
is the program that has all the internal DOS commands in it.
Starting a new command processor will also produce a new environment. The size of the
environment is 128 bytes by default, but it can be changed using the /E switch.
Command and its arguments can also be used in a SHELL= statement in your config.sys file. See
the full description of SHELL for more details.
The device option specifies that COMMAND.COM should use a different device, such as AUX,
for input and output.
The /E:number switch sets the environment size. Number represents the size of the environment
in bytes. Number must be in the range from 160 to 32768. All other values will be ignored and the
default value of 256 will be used. ROM-DOS will round the value entered up to the nearest
multiple of 16.
The /K:filename option tells the command processor to run the specified filename and then display
the ROM-DOS command prompt. It is not recommended that this option be used in a
CONFIG.SYS SHELL= statement.
The /P switch causes COMMAND not to exit, or in other words, to remain permanent. The /P
switch should be used only when command is used in a CONFIG.SYS SHELL statement.
The /c string switch causes COMMAND to execute the command in string and then terminate.
The string command can be any internal or external command.