D8B Manual • Appendices • page 179
Number D8B Button Mapped HUI Button
General HUI Layer
Comments Logic 6 Function
Auto Enable Mute N
Toggles automation playback and recording of mute
Automation Auto
Auto Mode Touch N
Hold and press a channel Write (HUI Auto) button to put the Logic channel into Auto Touch Mode
37 Automation Pan Auto Enable Pan N
Toggles automation playback and recording of pan
Automation Trim
Auto Mode Trim N
39 Set Time Equals (=) Y
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Won’t work with snap-
shot button pressed
Toggles D8B snap-
shot recall mode.
Creates a marker at the current song position
Corresponds to Mac numeric keyboard. Recalls Markers 1-9.
40 SMPTE View F8/Esc Y
Cancel open dialog windows
41 D8B Keypad HUI/D8B key pad Y/N
The key pad works
with D8B with snap-
shot button pressed
The Enter key works
with D8B with snap-
shot button pressed
The Store key works
with D8B with snap-
shot button pressed
42 Enter Enter Y/N
OK any on-screen dialogs. Enters folders on selected tracks.
43 Loop Loop Y
Toggles cycle mode
44 Store In Y
Sets Drop In locator
Alt + Store Out Y
Sets Drop Out locator
45 Locator Decimal (.) Y
Enters Go To Marker mode
Snapshot N/A Y
Press to enter D8B snapshot mode. Type a snapshot number and press Enter to recall a snapshot. Press Store, type a number,
and press Enter to store a snapshot. Exit snapshot mode by pressing Snapshot or Enter.
46 Rewind Rewind Y Shuffles backward
Goes to the left locator
Alt + Rewind RTZ
47 Fast Fwd Fast Forward Y Shuffles forward
Goes to the right locator
Alt + Fast Fwd End
48 Stop Stop Y
Stop Logic playback
49 Play Play Y
Start Logic playback
50 Record Record Y
Start recording in Logic
51 Jog & Shuttle Jog/Shuttle Select Y
Press once to go into jog, press again to go into shuttle, and press again to go back to normal.
52 Jog Wheel Jog Wheel Y
Normal: move Song Position Locator by one bar; Scrub: scrub; Shuffle: shuffle.
53 Cut/Zero Set Cut N
Cuts the selection
54 Copy Copy N
Copies the selection
55 Paste Paste N
Paste contents of clipboard
56 Undo Undo N
Undoes last command in Logic
Other HUI Mode/HUI Layer Notes:
Channel HUI VFD Mode: HUI Layer VFD displays eight channel names in bottom line of VFD. First two VFD select buttons mirror the Channel L and Channel R functions. The name of the selected
channel/function is displayed in the center of the top VFD line. The Online status is also displayed at the end of this line.
Normal HUI VFD Mode: HUI Layer VFD displays the normal HUI VFD screen exactly as a real HUI would. The contents of the VFD depend on the DAW in use and other settings. See notes on the VFD above.
Global Mode: Global functions are always active when HUI Mode is on, no matter what D8B bank is active.
Non-global functions are active only when HUI Mode is On and the D8B is displaying the HUI Layer.
D8B v5.1 B445 HUI Layer Control Mapping
For Logic 6