D8B Manual • Chapter 1 • page 20
11. Place the 2nd floppy disk in the drive when
prompted by the installation software.
12. Remove the 2nd floppy disk when prompted and
place the 3rd floppy disk in the drive.
13. Remove the 3rd floppy disk when prompted and
power down the console power supply, then
power back on.
13. You now have the updated D8B operating
system installed.
14. Make sure you read the release notes. They
have important info about this upgrade.
Note: Repeat the above procedure with the Plugin
Service Pack2.sea file to install the plug-in
update. After updating the plug-ins software on
the D8B, you must perform the “Erase UFX
Memory” and “Upgrade UFX Cards” procedures
(under Windows in the upper menu bar) to
upgrade the UFX cards that are installed in the
Note to Macintosh USB Floppy drive users:
Apple's Disk Copy program will not work
using the above method with a USB floppy drive
because the menu option "Make a Floppy..." will
not be available. You must use Aladdin Systems'
ShrinkWrap program available for purchase and
trial download from http://www.aladdinsys.com/
shrinkwrap/index.html. Once you have
ShrinkWrap installed, substitute these steps for
steps 3-6 in the above directions.
3. Launch ShrinkWrap.
4. Select "Write Image back to Disk..." from the
Image menu (command-B).
5. Locate the image file labeled d8b5xxxx Install
1.img that was extracted onto your hard drive.
6. ShrinkWrap will prompt you to insert a floppy
disk into the floppy disk drive.
This chapter has been specifically designed to
help you understand the basic concept of the Digital
8•Bus architecture. The following two chapters
describe the physical surface controls and the
software features and capabilities. The last chapter
describes specific applications as they pertain to
unique recording tasks and needs.
Chapters 2 and 3 support what you’ll encounter
in Chapter 4. Feel free to jump ahead, but keep in
mind that you’ll probably need to use these second
two chapters as a reference for the terms and
controls that are new to you.