HD24/96 Technical Reference 74
Mute << << moves the cursor one position to the left to
select the track to be muted or unmuted. The
current cursor position is indicated by an
Underscore (_) in place of the track number. Mute
or unmute the track with the (-) or (+) button.
>> As above. Moves the cursor position one position
to the right.
OK Mutes the selected track(s) and returns to the
Note: There are five options under this menu. The page selection <- and -> buttons
move between the first four selections and the fifth. The top-level display shows which
disk drive is active for selecting or creating projects.
Menu Selection /
Submenu What It Does
New Creates and opens a new project on the active disk drive. If you
want the new project to reside on a different drive, you must first
select the active drive first using the DISK UTIL menu.
If the current project has been changed, you will be prompted to
save the changes before opening a new project. If the current
project does not have unsaved changes, you will not be
prompted to save changes in the current project, but will be
prompted to enter a new project name.
Yes Changes to the current project are saved and a new
project is opened.
No Changes to the current project are not saved, and a
new project is opened.
Cancel Don’t create a new project
New | Yes | Enter
Project Name
New | No | Enter
Project Name
Yes or No creates a new project with the default name of
“Project#N”, where N is the next consecutive number off or
projects with their name beginning with “Project”. You will next
be prompted to rename the project to something more
significant, but you may use the default name.
<< >> Changes the project name from the default. These
buttons move the v cursor along the characters in
the project name. The (-)DEC and (+)INC buttons
(+) and (-) keys scroll through the character set to
select each character in the project name.
New Opens the project with the name as displayed on
the LCD.
Cancel Cancels new project
Note: Playlist version recall or creation is only accessible form the GUIRecalling or
saving multiple playlists for a project is reserved for the GUI only. From the front
panel, you can work with only a single playlist.