HD24/96 Technical Reference 75
Open Opens an existing project on the current disk drive. If you want
to open a project on another drive, first select the drive using the
DISK UTIL menu. The default project name “Startup” is initially
<< >> Scrolls through the project names on the currently
active disk drive. Pick the one you wish to open.
Open Opens the selected project
Cancel Leave the current project open.
Save – No options. Saves the current project and its
playlist under its current name.
Delete Deletes a project -– all the audio files, all the edits, everything.
<< >> Scrolls through the project names on the currently
active disk drive. Pick the one you wish to delete.
Del Prompts you - Are You Sure?
Cancel Don’t delete anything.
Delete | Del OK Deletes the selected project
Cancel Don’t delete this one, but maybe delete another
one. Goes back one level to allow you to select
another name or cancel out for real.
Rename Renames a project on the currently active disk drive.
<< >> Scrolls through the project names on the currently
active disk drive. Pick the one you wish to rename
OK Selects the project for renaming
Rename | >>
Rename | <<
<< >> Used for renaming the project. These buttons
move the v cursor along the characters in the
project name. The (-)DEC and (+)INC buttons
scroll through the character set to select each
character in the project name. It’s tedious. Be
OK Saves the new project name
Cancel Backs out of the menu without renaming the
Creates a copy of a project’s files on another disk drive. NOTE: You can’t make another
copy of a project on the drive where it currently lives. This is a BACKUP, remember? To be
effective, it needs to live somewhere else.
Menu Selection Submenus What It Does
Set Source << >> Selects whether to look on the Internal or External
disk drive for the project you wish to back up
OK Confirms the selection
Set Destination << >> Selects whether the backup copy will go to the
Internal or External drive. Note: You can’t back up
a project to the drive it’s currently on.Obviously this
is the opposite of the Source.