174 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Administering global job templates Configuring Xprint V7.0
6.12 Administering global job templates
A global job template is an object in which frequently used options of the
xpadd -job command are stored. This saves the user the effort of constantly
specifying the same options explicitly for frequently recurring print jobs. Instead,
the user simply assigns the print job a job template featuring the relevant
options. Xprint V7.0 reads these from the database and executes them.
Global job templates, which are available throughout the entire system, can only
be defined by the Xprint V7.0 administrator or a local Xprint V7.0 administrator.
It is possible, however, for all users to define their own job templates on his local
Every user can define customized job templates and also replace global job
templates by private ones.
6.12.1 Defining a job template
There are two possible ways of defining a job template: you can either define a
new one from scratch or you can copy an existing template and modify the
relevant options.
Defining a completely new job template
● To define a new job template use the following command:
xpadd -jtp template_name options
where the variable template_name represents the name of the job template.
options stands for a list of options that may be used with the xpadd -jtp
command. These are all the options available with the xpadd -job
If you want to... Read...
define a job template section “Defining a job template” on
page 174
delete a job template section “Deleting a job template” on
page 177
customize a job template section “Customizing job templates”
on page 177
define and use private templates section “Job templates” on page 44
Table 20: Administering global job templates