
20 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Selecting a printer Producing Output with Xprint V7.0
To address a printer (group) via a gateway, you must specify both the name of
the gateway and the name of the desired destination, separating the names with
the ! character. Only the administrator can find out the name of all the gateways
available using the xpshow -gtw command.
To address a printer via a gateway, specify the combination gateway!printer as
the printer name with the -de option.
Defining a default destination
With the shell variable XP_DESTIN you can define one or more printers of your
Xprint V7.0 domain as the default destination for your print jobs. In this case,
each print job for which you do not explicitly specify a target printer will be
printed on this default destination. If you have defined more than one printer as
the default destination, Xprint V7.0 will select a suitable printer.
To define a default destination, you must set the shell variable XP_DESTIN to the
names of the desired printers and export it before submitting a print job. The
individual printers must be separated by spaces. If you want to define the default
destination for every session with your computer, it is recommended that you set
XP_DESTIN in a file which is processed for every login (e.g., depending on the
shell, the file .profile or .xsession in your HOME directory).
To print a document on device printer1:
xpadd -dr file1 -de printer1
To print a document on printer printer1 via the gateway linuxgtw:
xpadd -dr file1 -de linuxgtw!printer1
To print a document on any device belonging to the device group SP211:
xpadd -dr file1 -de SP211
To print a PostScript file on any PostScript printer in the network:
xpadd -dr file2.ps -pc POSTSCRIPT
To print a document on a device with the PCL HP-LASERJET belonging to the
device group SP211:
xpadd -dr file2 -de SP211 -pc HP-LASERJET
To configure printer printer2 as the default destination:
XP_DESTIN=printer2; export XP_DESTIN