ASSEMBLY (continued)
1 Lightly squeeze the lower' handles
(#3) toward one another so that they
line up with the two smaller holes on
rite carding handle (#29). Ihen slide
the carrying handle over and down rite
lower handles It will rest about four to
six inches above tile engine. (Picture 1)
2 Gently pull the lower handles out
to their original position
3 Attach the upper handle assembly
(#1) - the handle with the throttle
cable and ground wire - onto the fight
handle, and secure with the handle
knob (#40) and t round head bolt
(#39) (Picture 2) Be sure you have
proper throttle movements and that
the throttle cable is not wrapped or
twisted around the handle bar°
Squeeze trigger and let go, The triangle
must click in both directions tf there
is any doubt, remove air filter and
visually check that the throttle triangle
hits both the idle screw and the rut!
open stop. THIS MUST BE DONE
4 Follow the same steps to install
the left upper handle onto the other
lower handle (Picture 3)
5 Use the clip (#6) to secure the
throttle cable and wire in place on the
lower handle (Picture 4)
6 Now install the Handle Brace.
Line it up with the holes on the upper
handles. Then insert a Cap Screw
(#34) and a Lock Nut (#35) on either'
side (Picture 5)
7 Use a wrench to tighten Cap
Screws and Lock Nuts
8 Now use wrench to tighten all
nuts and bolts firmly and securely.
Make sure you have installed the
handles properly. When you stand
behind your tiller, holding the
handles, you should face the
gasoline tank
Picture I
Picture 3
Picture 5
Picture 2
Piclure q
Improper throttle
instaIlation can
cause tines to
rotate unexpectedly
Assembling the "Tines fbr
1 Remove the cardboard from around
),our filler's base
2 Slide the tines onto the axle shafts
The "D" hole goes on the outside
3 Make sure you've installed the tines
properly for tilling.. Liken the tines to
),our fingers_ When your palm faces the
ground, }'our' fingers cur! dog,m. Stand
behind the Tiller and hold your hand
next. to the tines,. Do the tine blades curl
down, ,asyour fingers do? If so, they are
in the tilling position (To sa_qtch to the
cultivating position, see page 10)
4 To secure each line to the axle,
insert a fine retaining pin_
Before you use your blANI'tS "[flier,
read the Safety Rules & Warnings on
pages 3-4_
Your MANTIS Tiller comes with a
free pre-measurcd bottle of two-cycle
engine oil Here's how to mix the oil
with the gas:
1 Pour !/2 of the g_oline into a safe
container, Do not rob: the fuel and oil in
the engine fuel tank
Z Add 2 6 ounces of two-cycle
engine oil to the gasoline and mix
Then add the rest of the gasoline
3. Screw the cap onto the gasoline
can. Then swirl the can to blend the
oil and gas.
4 CarefuIly pour the fuel mix into
the tiller'_ fuel tank After putting the
fuel tank's cap back on, wipe up any
spilled fuel from tank and gasoline
"l_vostroke fuel sepmates and ages Do
not mix more than you will use in a
monflt. Using old fuel can cause
difficult starting or engine damage
Shake fuel container to thoroughly mix
fuel before each use Do not attempt to
run your engine on gasoline onl); use
proper fuel mixture
Need more pre-measured engine oil?
You can order it from ),our local
authorized MANTIS dealer
Remember _....
*Always mix two-cycle oil with
gasoline before fueling your filler,
Never, ever run your tiller on gasoline
alone This will ruin your engine and
void all warranfies.
•Alw;lys use a clean gas can and always
use unleaded gas,
•Never u3 to mix the oil and gasoline
in the engine tklel tank
•Always mix oil and gas in the proper
proportions: 2 6 ounces of two-cycle
engine oi! to one gallon of unleaded
Do Not use old or stale oil/gasoline
mixture. Ahvays use the proper
oil/gasoline mixture, l[ you do not,
your engine will suffer rapid,
permanent damage. And you will
void the eu#ne warrant):.