STARTING (continued)
Additional Information
How to Stop
the Engine
Simply push the oh
"stop/start" switch to
"o" (Picture 3) This
will stop the engine
instantly,, tf it should Picture3
ever fail to do so, just
pull out the choke button, The engine
will stop at once
About the Choke
'The choke controls the amount of
air drawn into the engine Your tiller
wilt pan onb_ if the choke is open
that is, if the choke is pushed in_
A Special Feature
(with the idle set properly
and the engine running)
Even when the engine is running,
the tines won't turn unless you press
the throttle lock out button and
squeeze the throttle lever on the
handlebars And, when you release the
throttle lever, the tines will stop,
A _ip for Extending
Your Engine's Life
After you start the engine, let ),our
tiller warm up for two to three minutes
before you use it Then, before you put
your tiller awa}qlet it idle {bra minute to
give the engine a chance to coot down
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if you follmv the normal
starting procedure, you should
have no problem starting your
tiller But, just in case you do
have problems, heros what to do.
Make sure dae oh switch is on !
"start" Youd be surprised how
many people forget to push the
s_4tch into tim "!" position
If the switch was on "o" when
you pulled the cord, you may have
flooded the engine
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3
_A WARNINGA::(:::::
:i: i: :iUNINTENTIONALSPARK;:(::i::i::ii::
• First, examine the spark plug Use the
special wvench dlat comes with our
optional MANTIS Hand), Item Kit
(Item #8444) or a 3/4 inch spark plug
wrench (Picture 1)
• Remove the cap over the spark plug.
•Unscrew the spark plug,, (Picture 2)
To avoid possible damage to tim
threads, do not try to remove the plug
from a hot aluminum cylinder head.
Starting a Flooded Engine
! If the end of the spark plug is wet,
the engine may be flooded. Make sure
the switch is in the "o" position,
disconnect spark plug wire and
remove plug, Use a paper towel or a
clean rag to dry the spark plug, then,
with the spark plug out of the engine,
pull the starter cord several times,
Next, replace the spark plug
Use the wrench to tighten it and replace
the cap. Next, put the switch in the "V
position and pull the choke button ouL
Pull the starter cord three or four times
until the engine coughs or sputters.
Open the choke (push the choke button
in) and pull the cord a few times. The
engine should stai* and run
2, If the end of the spark ptug is daT,
check to see if the fuel line is blocked.
First loosen the fuel cap to relieve the
pressure in the tank. The fuel line runs
from the fuel tank to the carburetor.
Pull it off at the carburetor end. Fuel
should drip slowly from the line.. Wipe
off any excess or spilled fuel.
If fuel does not drip from the line,
check the tine for an), bends or pinches
(Picture 3). Kinks in flaeline restrict fine
flow of fuel to the engine Just
straighten out the line. Reconnect Then
follow the normal starting procedure
tf fuel drips too freeb;the line may be
disconnectedfrom the fuel filter_You'll
find the furl filterinside the fuel tank.
Just re-attach the line to the filter, and put
the filter back in the tank Then follow
the normal starting procedure
Here's Another "Way to
Start your MANIIS Iiller
If you follow the steps above and
}:our engine still won't start, try this:
1 Push the switch to "l"
2, Push in the choke button to open
the choke,,
3 Press the plastic bubble a few times
4. Give the starter cord a few short,
quick pulls The engine should start
and run
5 tf the engine does not start, then
pull out the choke button to close the
drake Putl the starter cord four to five
times. The engine should sputter or
6 After the engine sputters, push the
choke button in..Then pull the starter
cord. The engine should start and run.
7 If the engine still does not start,
repeat steps 2 through 6
8. If the engine still does not start,
call your local audmrized MANIIS
Never use starting fluids. Starting fluids
will cause permanent engine damage.
Using them will -void the warranty°
Before you ttse your MANrlS Tillet;
read the Safety Rules & "Warnings on
pages 3-4.