For instance, an 8 high ground-based stack of WLX/WLXGS subwoofers will act like the top half of a 16
high stack.
It is possible to reach higher seating areas whilst retaining a tall vertical stack by electronically “tilting” the
system - see later.
Note that flexible floors may actually absorb sound at some frequencies so the situation isn’t always so
simple in practice.
Horizontal - 6dB coverage
The following table gives the approximate horizontal coverage angles of typical WLX/WLXGS arrays -
ignoring boundary effects.
WLX/WLXGS Wide Horizontal coverage
43Hz 86Hz 172Hz
2 Wide Wide 75º
4 Wide 75º 35º
8 75º 35º 17º
16 35º 17º 9º
Use wide arrays for long shots. Useful for long, narrow venues
Use narrow arrays for short, wide shots
Horizontal Boundary effects
A solid wall near an array will act as a reflector. This will cause a horizontal array to perform as if it were
twice as wide, giving a useful low frequency boost accompanied by a narrower, more complex polar
All material © 2007. Martin Audio Ltd. Subject to change without notice.