Sub-woofer crossover and alignment
Crossover frequencies
The original factory controller settings for W8L, W8LC and W8LM systems are intended for use with sub-
bass systems such as the W8LS, WLX or WSX.
As a consequence LF high pass filters should be set as follows:
Loudspeaker Type Default (with subs) Full-range (without subs)
35Hz* 24dB/8ve L-R
(assuming stacked WLXs)
*Use 60Hz when used
with W8LS direct
radiating subs
25Hz 24dB/8ve L-R
60Hz 24dB/8ve L-R 30Hz 24dB/8ve L-R
70Hz 24dB/8ve L-R
30Hz 24dB/8ve L-R
Note that the W8L system’s LF response extends down into the low bass region. For maximum Heavy Metal
or Dance headroom a substantial mid-bass overlap can be allowed when horn-loaded W8L main systems are
used with horn-loaded sub-woofers such as WLXs.
Compact systems like the W8LC and W8LM are designed to run with minimal overlap. They are always
high-passed at 60-70Hz when used with sub-woofers.
Time alignment
W8L, W8LC and W8LM inter-driver delays
Standard Martin Audio presets apply small output channel delays to DX1 or DP226 controllers to align the
multiple drivers within W8L, W8LC and W8LM cabinets.
These inter-driver delays are not user adjustable. They have a strong influence on a system’s off-axis lobe
structure in addition to the usual on axis performance alignment.
Very important note!
Crossover frequency and phase settings should never be adjusted to compensate for room anomalies.
Controller input equalizers or external equalizers (or, in an ideal world, room treatment!) should be used for
that purpose.
Controller Reference Delays
The multiple driver delays in standard Martin Audio presets are “Lock Linked” to a particular crossover
reference delay channel. In the absence of any main (W8L, W8LC) delay requirement, the W8L and W8LC
reference delays default to zero because they relate to the LF horn drivers whose acoustical centre is furthest
from the cabinet grille – i.e. the driver that every other driver in the cabinet gets delayed to.
All material © 2007. Martin Audio Ltd. Subject to change without notice.