29Delta 1010 User Guide
generally not enter into the red zone. Technically, your signal may enter into
the red zone without resulting in distortion but this not generally recommended
since it leaves very little headroom. In other words, one loud note during a
performance or mix may result in a severely distorted recording or mix.
< MASTER VOLUME: The Master Volume section is found to the left of the Mixer
Input section. These meters control the overall output level of the Monitor Mixer.
The adjacent VU meters indicate the Monitor Mixer’s output levels and are “post-
fader.” This means changes to the master fader will affect the levels displayed on
the VU meters.
< MIXER INPUTS: The Mixer Input channels are found to the right of the Master
Volume section. These channels receive audio directly from Delta 1010’s analog
and digital inputs as well as from the outputs of your audio software. This allows
you to mix your incoming signals with your previously recorded tracks to create
a hardware monitor mix that is virtually free of the delay (or “latency”) that is
inherent in all software-based digital mixing systems.
NOTE: The VU meters in the Mixer Input section are “pre-fader.” This means
that the meters display the incoming signal before the signal passes through
the faders. Since the VU meters are pre-fader, making adjustments to a fader
will have no impact on the levels displayed on its corresponding meter. The
input meters have been set up in this way so that you will always see the
“true” incoming signal levels. This helps you set optimum output levels on
devices that are connected to Delta 1010, regardless of how the faders may
be set up in the Monitor Mixer.
Because of the large number of mixer inputs, not all inputs are displayed
simultaneously. The scroll bar at the bottom of the Mixer Input section allows you
to scroll through the various inputs.
The inputs are labeled (from left to right): “Software Out 1/2” through “Software
Out 7/8,” then “SW Out S/PDIF.” These inputs accept the digital audio streams
being sent from your software application to the driver devices with those same
names. Each name begins with “Software Out” to remind you that these are
software streams and may not necessarily be routed to any physical outputs (see
Patch Bay Page).
Further to the right are more channels, labeled “S/PDIF In” and “Analog In 1/2”
through “Analog In 7/8.” These mixer inputs are audio streams from the physical
Delta 1010 hardware inputs.
< PAN: Each mixer input may be individually panned from left to right using the
horizontal slider beneath the channel’s volume fader.