Delta 1010 User Guide32
< SAMPLE RATE: This drop-down menu selects the sampling rate of the
interface and determines the rate at which all of the digital components of Delta
1010 (A/D and D/A converters, digital Monitor Mixer, etc.) will operate. This
section also includes the following checkbox:
• Locked: The “Locked” checkbox allows you to force Delta 1010 to
operate at the chosen sample rate. This will prohibit audio applications
from attempting to operate Delta 1010 at a sample rate other than the one
selected in the Control Panel.
By default, this box is left unchecked and allows your audio software to
choose any sample rate that is supported by the Delta 1010 hardware.
NOTE: Certain sample rate options are “grayed out” because Delta 1010
does not support these rates.
< CLOCK SOURCE: This section allows you to select the source of the interface’s
master clock. Delta 1010 allows you to select among the following three
sources: Internal Crystal, S/PDIF Input, and Word Clock.
If you have connected a S/PDIF device to your Delta 1010’s S/PDIF input, set
S/PDIF Input as the source of Delta 1010’s master clock and make sure that the
external S/PDIF device is configured to provide the master clock signal. This will
slave Delta 1010 to the external device’s clock and allow S/PDIF signals to enter
the interface.
If you have connected a Word Clock device to your Delta 1010 and would like
to use that device’s clock as the master clock source, select Word Clock as the
source of Delta 1010’s master clock. This will slave Delta 1010 to the external
word clock device’s clock.
NOTE: It is possible to synchronize Delta 1010 through its Word Clock input
while simultaneously receiving signals at the S/PDIF input. However, all
connected digital input devices need to be synchronized to the same clock
source before the digital signals enter the Delta 1010 interface.
Next to the Clock Source drop-down menu is an indicator that displays the
current clocking status of the interface. The word “Locked” appears when the
interface is locked to an external clock and “Waiting” appears when Delta 1010
is not receiving a valid clock signal. Nothing appears if “Internal Crystal” setting
is selected since the interface is locked to its own internal clock.
For more information about Clocking, please see Appendix A: Clocking at the
end of this guide and/or read the Digital Sync and Multi-Device Setup Guide
found on www.m-audio.com.