
Delta 44 board. To display this page, click the “Patchbay/Router” tab of the Delta
Control Panel.
ON THE MAC: Please substitute the name “SM/ASIO” where referrences are made
to “WavOut.” SM/ASIO are the software outputs on the Mac, while WavOut are the
software outputs on the PC. Substitute “Windows multimedia applet” with “Sound
Manager Applet.”
The leftmost vertical column of Patchbay/Router page, “H/W Out 1/2,” connects this
hardware analog stereo pair to one of four stereo sources:
1. The default setting, “WavOut 1/2”, connects ports OUT1 and OUT2 to your
music software or Windows multimedia applet. In other words, when music
software plays audio to the device named “WavOut 1/2 Delta-44” it will be
routed directly to the “hardware” outputs 1 & 2 of your Delta 44’s break-out box.
2. The second option, “Monitor Mixer,” connects ports OUT1 and OUT2 to the
outputs of the Delta 44 monitor mixer. For more information of the capabilities
of the monitor mixer, please see the section “Monitor Mixer Page.”
3. Selections three and four connect the hardware analog inputs 1&2 or 3&4
(respectively) directly to the Delta 44’s hardware analog outputs 1&2. For
example, if “H/W In 1/2” were selected, any signal present at the IN1 port will
be copied to OUT1, and any signal present at the IN2 port will be copied to
OUT2. When “H/W In 3/4” is selected, the routing behaves similarly.
The next vertical column of the Patchbay/Router page “H/W Out 3/4,” connect this
hardware analog stereo pair to one of three stereo sources.
1. The default setting, “WavOut 3/4”, connects ports OUT3 and OUT4 to your
music software or Windows multimedia applet. In other words, when music
software plays audio to the device named “WavOut 3/4 Delta-44” it will be
routed directly to the “hardware” outputs 3 & 4 of your Delta 44’s break-out box.
2. Options two and three connect the hardware analog inputs 1&2 or 3&4
(respectively) directly to the Delta 44’s hardware analog outputs 3&4. For
example, if “H/W In 1/2” were selected, any signal present at the IN1 port will
be copied to OUT3, and any signal present at the IN2 port will be copied to
OUT4. When “H/W In 3/4” is selected, the routing behaves similarly.
At this point, you may begin to realize the versatility of the Monitor Mixer and the
Patchbay/Router, and the relationship between the two. You may want to re-read this
section and make some practice adjustments within the Delta Control Panel software
to become proficient in routing and mixing. If somewhere in the process you
become confused, you may always restore the default settings to use the card as a
straight 4-in 4-out device — just choose the topmost option in each of the
Patchbay/Router columns.