
Notice that if we continue to overdub past track 4, we run out of WavOut devices to
assign to. In this case, you may want to do some of your level mixing within the
software application if it supports it. Most applications will allow you to assign more
than one track to an output device and then set the relative levels of the tracks within
the software, letting the software do the mixing. In this example you could have
assigned all of the playback tracks to “WavOut 1/2” and let the software handle the mix.
Typical Setup #2
This section contains a multi-tracking example illustrating another way to use the
Delta 44 and its control panel software. We’re going to use it with an external
mixing console that will handle multiple inputs and outputs. A discussion of mixing
consoles and their use will follow in Appendix B. For simplicity in this example
we’ll use pre-amps to get the signal to the Delta 44, and a mixer connected to a sound
system to handle the multiple outputs.
Let’s say that we’re recording a guitar/vocal duo. We’ve got a mic on each voice,
with the guitars going ‘direct’ into the pre-amps.
NOTE: Because improper connections can potentially make very
loud noises, it’s a good idea to have monitor levels down while
hooking up audio equipment — you may choose to turn your
computer off before making the connections.
Audio Buddy
Audio Buddy
Delta 44
typical set up #2