Installing the Hard Drive 13
Configuring the System BIOS
Before partitioning and formatting your hard drive, you must tell the
system what type of hardware you are using. This is referred to as
configuring the system BIOS
. Your computer system provides an initial
setup utility (CMOS Setup) for this purpose. Some system BIOSes
may auto-detect your Maxtor hard drive and will identify it on screen as
the system boots. If this is the case, proceed to “Formatting the Hard
Drive” on page 15.
Every system BIOS is different. The instructions supplied in this
section are not meant to be followed word for word, but are
provided as a guideline. Refer to your system manual or contact
the system manufacturer for specific information about the BIOS.
Turn on the monitor.
Power on the system and look for an on-screen message
(Figure 11) indicating which function key to press to enter
The function keys used for entering BIOS setup vary
between manufacturers. The most common Setup function keys
are F1, F2, and DEL.
On some systems, the function key message may disappear
before you can read it. To pause the system boot so you can
read the message, press the Pause/Break key after the memory
count. The Pause/Break key is usually located in the upper right
Figure 11
Typical BIOS Setup Message