22 Formatting the Hard Drive
Using a Drive Larger than 137 GB
To properly access the full capacity of a drive larger than 137 GB, you
must install one of the solutions described below. Using a drive that
has been formatted past the 137 GB barrier on a system without an
installed 137 GB solution can result in data loss.
Ultra ATA/133 PCI Card Solutions
If your Maxtor hard drive came bundled with an Ultra ATA/133-
compatible PCI card (such as the Maxtor Ultra ATA/133 PCI Card or
Maxtor SATA/150 PCI Card), or you have an installed Ultra ATA/133
PCI card, you can safely use your drive with the card on Windows
98SE, Me, 2000, and XP. Note that ATA/100, 66, and 33 PCI cards do
not support drives larger than 137 GB unless specifically noted by the
manufacturer. Some system BIOSes do not support booting to drives
attached to an ATA card, so you may only be able to use this drive as
additional storage and not as the boot drive.
If your are interested in adding an Ultra ATA/133 card to your system,
the Maxtor Ultra ATA/133 PCI Card and Maxtor SATA/150 PCI Card are
fully compatible with all Maxtor ATA drive capacities. These Ultra ATA/
133-compatible products are available from www.maxstore.com or
from your local computer retailer.
Operating System Solutions
The Windows operating systems that natively support the full capacity
of drives larger than 137 GB are:
• Windows XP Home, Service Pack 1 (SP1) and higher
Windows 98/Me Note: Some tools
built into Windows 98/ME, such as
Scandisk and Defrag, do not function
properly on hard drive partitions larger
than 137 GB. Third-party utilities such
as Norton Utilities 2002 can be used
to replace the functionality of
Scandisk and Defrag for partitions
larger than 137 GB.
Macintosh Note: Most Mac systems
require a Mac-compatible Ultra ATA/
133 PCI card (not included) to access
the full capacity of a drive larger than
137 GB. Mac-compatible ATA/133
cards are available from Sonnet
(www.sonnettech.com), Miglia
(www.miglia.com), and ACARD