Center and Surround Loudspeaker will
automatically switch to small with the Large Menu
Setting grayed out. The Subwoofer setting will
switch On with the Off Menu Setting grayed out.
3. Use the Down directional Push-button to select FIL-
TER followed by using the Down directional Push-
button to select On or Off. When the Off position is
selected the previously set Loudspeaker Size for the
Front, Center and Surround will all change to the Large
setting. The Subwoofer will switch to the On setting
and all the Loudspeaker Menu Choices are grayed out.
Refer to figure 27.
4. Press the RTRN (Return) Push-button to return to the
A properly setup Home Theater Surround Sound System
should have all Loudspeaker levels adjusted to the same
starting reference volume level in the Listening/Viewing
Area. The MVP861 includes a built-in test signal generator,
which can have its output switched into each Loudspeaker
manually or automatically. The desired test signal volume
levels of each Loudspeaker can be determined, in the Lis-
tening/Viewing Area, either by listening or with a sound
pressure meter. Level adjustments are made in small steps
(1dB) by using the MVP861 Remote Control Up or
Down directional Push-buttons. The level can be ad-
justed over a 10dB range.
Note: Before performing the Loudspeaker Level
adjustments, you must first have completed the
Loudspeaker Size adjustments.
1. Use the Down directional Push-button to select
CHANNEL LEVEL followed by pressing the SELECT
Push-button on the Remote Control. Refer to figures 28
and 29.
2. Use the Down directional Push-button to select
TEST TONE then press the Right or Left direc-
tional Push-buttons to select the MANUAL Selection
Mode of operation. Refer to figures 30 and 31.
Note: The procedure used for making the Loudspeaker
Level Adjustments is similar for both the Manual
and Automatic Modes. The only difference is, in the
Manual Mode the selection of the Loudspeaker is
performed by using the Up or Down
directional Push-buttons before adjustments are
made. In the Automatic Mode, the MVP861 will
switch to the next Loudspeaker three seconds after
user adjustments have stopped. Refer to figures 32
and 33 if the Automatic Mode will be used.
3. Press the SELECT Push-button and then use the
Right or Left directional Push-buttons to adjust the
Loudspeaker Volume Level to match the volume level
How to Set the Audio
Figure 26
Figure 27
of the other Loudspeakers. This may take several
cycles through all the Loudspeakers to achive the de-
sired results. If one of the Loudspeakers is quieter than
the others, use it as a reference to match the other loud-
speakers to.
4. When all the Loudspeakers are at the same volume
level press the RTRN (Return) Push-button to stop the
Channel Level Adjustments and return to the
The following Delay Time Adjustments will electronically
compensate for different Loudspeaker distances from the
Listening/Viewing Area. Refer to figure 34 on page 30.