How to Operate the MVP861, con’t
3. To stop the Rapid Frame Advance press the PLAY
Back Track/Chapter
Advance back to the beginning of the Track/Chapter cur-
rently playing by momentarily pressing of the BACK
Push-button on the MVP861. Repeated momentary presses
of the BACK Push-button will allow for rapid selec-
tion of the desired previous Tracks/Chapters. Refer to fig-
ure 79.
Next Track/Chapter
For each momentary press of the NEXT Push-button
the MVP861 will advance to the next Track/Chapter. Re-
peated momentary presses of the NEXT Push-button
will allow for rapid selection of the desired Track/Chapter.
Fast Forward or Reverse
Press and release the FF (Fast Forward) or REV
(Reverse) Push-button to search back and forth rap-
idly through a Track/Chapter on a disc at 2 times normal
speed. An On-Screen Icon will appear on the screen and
the audio will be muted. If the FF (Fast Forward) or
REV (Reverse) Push-button is pressed and released
several times, the speed will increase to a maximum of 64
times normal speed. To return to normal playback press the
PLAY Push-button. Refer to figure 79.
Stop Mode for DVD Discs
Press the STOP push-button once to stop disc playback.
Press PLAY and the disc will start playing again from
the disc time where Stop was pressed. Press STOP twice
for a complete stop and return to the beginning of a disc.
Refer to figure 79.
Note: The video information from the disc will be muted
during the Stop Mode, but will resume when the PLAY
Push-button is pressed and playback starts. Using the
Pause Push-button instead of the Stop Push-button, will
retain the video on the screen for viewing. It is not
advisable to keep the MVP861 in the Stop Mode (one
push-button press) for any length of time as the Laser
Transport is still active.
Stop Mode for SACD and CD Discs
Press the STOP Push-button at any time to stop Disc
Playback. To listen to the disc again, press the PLAY
Push-button and playback will start from the beginning of
the disc. Refer to figure 79.
On Screen Icon Display
There are On-Screen Icons available to indicate the current
audio transport operating conditions and some also provide
the ability to make changes to the disc currently being
played. These On-Screen Icons are accessible by pressing
the DISP/TIME, AUDIO or SEARCH Push-button on the
supplied Remote Control. For each of the disc types played
there is at least one On-Screen Icon. If there are more than
one On-Screen Icons for a given disc type, they are ac-
cessed by additional presses of the DISP/TIME Push-but-
ton. Refer to figures 77, 78 and 79.
Figure 77
Figure 78