Use the “Video Capture Filter” to change the
PC Camera's settings.
The “Exposure Control” slider is the most
useful control for capturing images. The
slider will allow you to control the length of
an image exposure. It is especially useful
when you are imaging the Moon. Changing
the exposure setting will bring out more
detail in craters and mare (the dark areas)
on the Moon.
TToo uussee tthhee EExxppoossuurree CCoonnttrrooll::
1 Select the “Options” drop down menu and
choose the “Video Capture Filter…”
2 The “Properties” dialogue box will open.
3 Select the image setting: “Daytime,”
“Moon / Planet,” or “Nighttime.”
4 In the “Exposure Value” box, uncheck the
“Auto” option to give you control of the
exposure value. With an image on the
screen, move the slider back and forth to
see the effect of changing the exposure
value. See Fig. 21.
5 Select the exposure value that is most
pleasing to your eye. Click “Ok” to
6 The photo's and videos will now be set to
the new exposure value.
Fig. 21: Exposure Value Box with
Fig. 22: Video frame of a bird at sunset,
captured with the Meade PC Camera.
Looking at or near the Sunwill cause irreversibledamage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.