The Video Processing Amplifier gives you
further control over your captured images
and software. See Fig. 24. Adjust the sliders
on each setting to obtain the desired effect.
Practice the following controls to see how
they affect your captures:
•• BBrriigghhttnneessss::
Use this control to lighten or
darken your images.
•• CCoonnttrraasstt::
Use this control to adjust the
extremes between light and dark in your
•• HHuuee::
Use this control to change the colors
in your image.
•• SSaattuurraattiioonn::
Use this control to change the
intensity of your image without changing the
image color.
•• SShhaarrppnneessss::
You may take an image that is
slightly out of focus. Use the Sharpness
control to sharpen the pixels in your image.
You will not be able to refocus the image, but
a small amount of sharpness may improve
your image.
•• GGaammmmaa ((FFoorr AAd
dvvaanncceedd UUsseerrss))::
control changes the intensity of the pixels on
your monitor, in order for you to view colors
accurately. You will not use this control to
set the intensity from image to image, but
rather to set your monitor setting. If you do
not understand gamma, it is recommended
that you do not changed the gamma setting.
•• WWhhiittee BBaallaannccee ((FFoorr AAddvvaanncceedd UUsseerrss))::
control allows to balance colors in an image
so that neutral colors (greys) are balanced
correctly with the primary colors. If you do
not understand White Balance, it is
recommended that you do not changed this
•• BBaacckklliigghhtt CCoommpp::
Leave this option set
to "0."
Returns all the Video
Processing Amplifier setting to the original
factory-set values. Select the default button
the first time you wish to capture
Looking at or near the Sunwill cause irreversibledamage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
Fig. 24: The Video Proc. Amp setting